Welcome to PARADISE CITY where the East and West, as well as the past and present, meet. It has a wide range of facilities where you can find relaxation, artistic energy, and dynamic entertainment. Enjoy everything you could ever want as you explore this creative space. Experience PARADISE CITY at the art-tainment resort.
PARADISE CITY → Click here for Program
Experience the exceptional artistic quality of rest and relaxation at Paradise City.
There are 711 premium resort style rooms in total with the largest space per room.
From Deluxe rooms with a contemporary design to luxurious pool villas, we cater to the varying needs of our guests.
The largest K-Style premium foreigner exclusive casino
The largest K-Style premium foreign exclusive casino with top quality
PARADISE CITY is a premium gaming venue where you can enjoy an exciting gaming experience that you can't have anywhere else.
Based on more than 40 years of experience and know-how, we offer premium service and a unique customer experience.